Every Thursday night during the live episode of 'Big Brother,' someone new gets evicted from the house. Who was sent home on the show so far?

Distractify Staff - Author

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Season 25 of Big Brother.

There are a few things in life that are certain — death, taxes, and a Big Brother live eviction. Often, the person who ends up getting evicted comes as a surprise to fans. Other times, houseguest evictions are very predictable and viewers are left breathing a collective sigh of relief.

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Like other reality competition shows, Big Brother gets rid of players each week with a vote from the contestants themselves. Only, with this series, it's all done in the weekly live episode on Thursdays. And after multiple commercial breaks and Diary Room commentary about the votes, it's revealed who is booted off.

So, who went home this week? Read on to find out!

Week 1 - Kirsten Elwin

The first eviction is always the hardest on Big Brother. The person sent packing barely has time to get their feet wet and they don't even get to go to the jury house. But the first eviction of Big Brother 25 sees Kirsten sent home and four people were initially put on the block. Leading up to Kirsten's eviction, she rallies some of the houseguests to vote in her favor. However, the house is decided well before they even vote.

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Kirsten is voted out of the house with a unanimous vote. No one wants to get blood on their hands and Kirsten, with no allies, is the easiest target for Week 1. However, Kirsten isn't the only houseguest who leaves. Before she's voted off Big Brother, fellow contestant Luke Valentine is expelled for his casual use of the N-word during a conversation with other players. So in Week 1, the show loses not one, but two players.

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Week 2 - Reilly Smedley

After a week of being the Head of Household, Reilly was sent packing. Fans were even quick to note that this felt like a sort of karma revenge. She had spent that whole week of being "in charge" convincing the house to vote out Kirsten. After that play, the other house guests thought it was time to hit Reilly with an eviction notice, too. Oh, and it was a unanimous vote. Sound familiar?

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Week 3 - Hisam Goueli

Unanimous evictions became quite a trend in the 'Big Brother' house during Week 3. In an 11–0 vote, Hisam Goueli was sent home. While fans were sad to see him leave, he did have quite a hilarious reaction to finding out about Cirie and Jared's secret.

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Week 4 - Jag Bains

In yet another unanimous vote, Jag was evicted from the Big Brother house. However, he didn't end up leaving during this episode. Instead, the Power of Invincibility was used to keep him there. As a result, the entire house was forced to compete in the HoH competition, including the outgoing HoH.

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Week 5 - Red Utley

Finally breaking from the unanimous vortex of the season, the vote was 8-2 for week 4. Red was evicted from the house and, naturally, was not happy about it. When Julie asked him who he felt betrayed by, he replied: "Obviously, Cam to start. I don't even think I would be sitting on the block if it weren't for him."

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Week 6 - Izzy Gleicher

In a vote of 8-1, Izzy was evicted from the Big Brother house. She left feeling totally betrayed by Cory who she called a "pig" before leaving. "My biggest mistake was ever thinking that me and Cory were close and that I can trust him," she told Julie.

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Week 7 - Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields

Week 6 came with a double eviction, and by a vote of 8-0, Cameron was evicted from the house. "You may feel like your game is dead but it's actually undead because you are now a Big Brother zombie," said Julie.

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After a second round of nominations, a new HoH, and a new chance for veto power to be used, the Big Brother house had to make a vote. In a vote of 6-1, Jared was evicted. "For the next week, you will be living in the house and one of you will be resurrecting your game," Julie said, adding a new twist.

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Week 8 - Jared Fields

After the final competition for the zombie battleback twist, Cameron fought his way back into the game. And, because he won the competition, that meant Jared was evicted by default. This marks Jared's second (and, we believe, final), eviction from the Big Brother house.

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Week 9 - Mecole Hayes

Our Big Brother unanimous decisions made a return with Mecole when she was evicted with a vote of 7-0. Before she left, she exposed a major alliance in the game: Cory, America, and Bowie. This new information may have a major shake-up in the way the game is played.

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Week 10 - Cameron Hardin

By a vote of 6-0, Cameron was evicted from the Big Brother house — for good, this time. In his exit interview with Julie, he blamed everything that went wrong on himself before jokingly asking the host when she was going to tell him to head back into the game (he won't be back, as he's headed to the jury house).

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Week 11 - Cory Wurtenberger

No one is really surprised that Cory left. In a vote of 5-0, Cory was sent packing from the Big Brother House. I mean, we all saw this coming, right? Maybe the producers should have kept him in somehow just to rock the boat a little, but they decided that both Cory and his weird mustache had to go.

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Week 12 - Blue Kim and America Lopez

In the second double eviction of the season, both Blue and America are voted out in the same Big Brother episode. First, the houseguests vote out Blue. And shortly after, in order to further everyone's game, they vote out America. Now that leaves the final five here to battle it out in the final two weeks of Big Brother 25.

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Week 13 - Cirie Fields

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It seems that Cirie's day finally came when Matt was Jedi mind tricked by Bowie and Jag that she was a bigger threat than Felicia. They think she's a bigger threat and a better player. They are reasonably confident they can beat Felicia on their own. It just goes to show you that just because you are younger, like Bowie and Jag, you can still be a snake.

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'Big Brother' also has double evictions sometimes.

Double evictions are always wild from the start on Big Brother. Naturally, fans want to know ahead of any given season if there are plans to shock the players with one (or more) double evictions. But what would be the fun in knowing ahead of time if host Julie Chen Moonves and producers decide to eliminate two houseguests in one night?

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When a double eviction happens on Big Brother, two players are sent home in one night as fast-paced Head of Household and Veto competitions are played after the regularly scheduled eviction takes place. Then, another player is evicted. It's intense in the best way and it's something fans look forward to each season, even if it means more houseguests are taken out of the game.

Watch Big Brother on Sundays at 10 p.m. EST, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EST, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.
