Nepo baby, once decent musician, and all-round personification of Millennial “I’m so RanDuM” humor, Grimes still finds the time to post updates on her ex’s ego-site, and her latest one is causing a bit of a stir. The woman who cosplayed as poor in her youth despite having a banker father and lawyer mother has recently taken to the internet to post a long thread that doesn’t actually say anything about a traumatic event she allegedly suffered in recent days. Whatever happened is only vaguely alluded to and labeled as “stressful,” but her tweet does have all the hallmarks of a dramatic Facebook update in which she tells everyone asking her about it to “DM me,” so there’s that.

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Look: we’re not denying that the wealthy idiots of the world can’t suffer. Bad things do sometimes happen to bad people, after all, and, if anything, their narcissism will often lead them to believe they’re suffering more than anybody in the history of our species ever has. If something really traumatic did happen to Grimes, like she suddenly realized she’s bound to Elon Musk for however long their child is alive, then it would certainly be a good idea to give her space away from the limelight. The real question is, would she actually bow out of the public eye, or continue to chase attention by, say, posting melodramatic updates about how stressed she is?

With that said, no matter how wealthy one is, looking after kids can be an issue. And, as silly as her child’s name is, they deserve to have a mother who is present, especially because their dad has a long history of avoiding the children he’s left all over the world like a snake shedding its skin. So, if the stress is being caused by something to do with that (and if it leads to Grimes finally calling out Elon on his increasingly obvious support for far-right politics instead of acting like he’s a genius), then good for her for trying to address it.

However, given her history and increasingly strange public stances (that seem to just be regurgitating things Musk says), that seems highly unlikely. And, without details, it’s hard to feel too sympathetic, especially given how supportive she is of Musk’s dangerous politics. Plus, the problem with being so privileged is that the notion of what is “traumatic” shifts massively. Whereas some would find it traumatic to not be able to feed their kids, or to be fired from their job because their idiot boss doesn’t know how to do anything except be born rich and make creepy alt-accounts for their kids, others may consider not being able to buy a dress the worst thing that’s ever happened to them. Without knowing what actually transpired (and considering Grimes ends her little rant with a comment about her new music video being out soon), it’s easy to slip into the thought that she’s making a mountain out of a molehill.

While many believe the Canadian musician’s slide into being a useful idiot for the worst people in society became more prominent after she began her entanglement with Apartheid Clyde, the fact is the signs were always there. It seems likely that spending enough time with Musk would scramble even the most sensible brain, but this is a woman who claims she eats buttered toast by melting a stick of it and dipping the bread in, so perhaps they deserve each other. Or, perhaps this is an Ockham’s Razor situation, as one Redditor has posited.

There is a bright spark among all the vague-posting, though. In her tweets, Grimes claims she thinks she is “done with Grimes for a little bit.” We live in hope.
